IB Physics emf

The term emf is a misunderstood concept. Listed below are a number of possible definitions. Which are correct? What must be added/deleted to make them correct?

  1. The voltage of a battery.
  2. The potential difference of a battery.
  3. The potential difference of the battery when no current is flowing through it.
  4. The work done per unit positive charge.
  5. The power per unit current.
  6. The work done in moving a charge between two points.
  7. The work done in moving a +1 C charge at a constant speed along a path in an electric field.
  8. The integral of the electric field along the path taken.
  9. The line integral of the electric field component parallel to the path taken along the path taken.
  10. The work done in moving a +1 C charge at a constant speed around a closed path in an electric field.
  11. The emf of a cell is the work done per unit positive charge in going around the circuit.