IB HL Physics Field strength and potential

A tutorial sheet on the HL concepts of field strength and potential is given below.

  1. Define the term electric potential.
  2. Define the term electric field strength.
  3. Is electric field strength equal to minus the change in potential divided by the change in displacement?
  4. What is the relationship between electric field (E) and electric potential (V)?
  5. True or false. If the electric potential at a point is zero then the electric field strength at this point must be zero.
  6. True or false. If the electric field strength at a point is zero then the electric potential at this point must be zero.
  7. True or false. The electric potential at the midpoint of the line joining charges +Q and +Q is a local minimum.
  8. True or false. The electric potential at the midpoint of the line joining charges +Q and -Q is a global maximum.
  9. Point charges +Q are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side L. Find the electric potential and field strength at the centre of the triangle.
  10. Four point charges +Q are placed at the corners of a square of side L. A point charge -q is placed at the centre of the square. Describe the movement of the charge -q if it (a) pushed a small amount towards a corner charge, and b) pushed a small amount towards the midpoint of a side of the square.