IB HL Physics Dielectrics and capacitors

A tutorial sheet with dielectric questions is given below.

  1. What is a dielectric?
  2. What does dielectric constant mean?
  3. Plastic has a dielectric constant of 2.8. Find the permittivity of plastic.
  4. A block of plastic is placed in a uniform electric field. Is the electric field strength in the plastic greater than, equal to or less than the electric field strength outside the plastic?
  5. A block of dielectric fills the space between the parallel plates of a capacitor that is connected to a source of constant emf. Is the capacitance increased, stays the same or decreased when the dielectric is inserted?
  6. A block of dielectric fills the space between the parallel plates of an isolated charged capacitor. Is the capacitance increased, stays the same or decreased when the dielectric is inserted?